Visual Brand Concept Development

What’s the beginning of any recognizable and attractive brand creation? It is the concept, of course. At this stage of corporate identity development a team determines key features and competitive advantages of product or service.

Works on the brand concept creation are primarily aimed at drawing attention to the company, and allow to share core values with potential customers as well as ​​create a unique image of reliable supplier of goods and services.

Preparations for the development of the visual brand concept.

Any creation of visual concept is preceded by a number of studies to help identify the main trends and requirements of your company’s business sphere. This information allows to develop a concept, which will strike a chord with the target audience, ensuring rapid growth and highly profitable business.

At the stage of information gathering, our experts perform the following work:

1) Analysis of the client company’s scope, gathering independent opinions on the existing brand

2) Identifying audience expectations and sustainable associations of the brand’s visual elements with a high quality product or service

3) Generating interesting ideas for the visual component of the brand

4) Formation of brand development strategy in the existing market conditions

Only afterwards you can begin brand concept development, being confident that the result will have a success among consumers. Then designers, being in a constant contact with the client, present an elaborate brand book, reflecting visual particularities and brand positioning strategy. This document will determine design of the products, website and promotional materials in the marketing campaigns.

Stages of brand concept creation.

However, brand is a complex notion, incorporating not only graphical elements but also a company’s message to consumers and potential clients.

As a part of brand concept development, our team works in two directions:

1) Visual component of the brand, incorporating corporate identity, logo, packaging design, etc., seriously affects the potential clients’ perception of the company. Correct non-verbal message is capable of providing high sympathy at any stage of the interaction.

2) Verbal concept of the brand, in it’s turn, helps us to understand the ways of verbal interaction with the target audience. The tone, style of speech and character of information presentation - everything matters in the struggle for the hearts and minds of customers.

Today, when competition in any business is high, not many companies can be truly successful. Qualitatively crafted brand concept will allow you to assert yourself on the market of goods and services or strengthen the positions, favorably standing out against the competitors.

Due to our team’s expertise earned during many major projects in the field of branding, we are able to create a real "face" of your company, which will become an effective marketing tool, recouping the development costs in the shortest time possible.


We have developed digital products for many companies

  • Ашан
  • Спортмастер
  • Columbia
  • Legrand
  • Michelin
  • Leroy Merlin
  • Raiffeisen Банк
  • mitsubishi-electrics
  • Cat
  • Сбербанк АСТ
  • ГАЗ
  • Азбука вкуса
  • Ренова
  • Stern
  • РЖД
  • Русские Машины
  • Kettler
  • Demix
  • DeAgostini
  • Nemiroff
  • Johnson&Johnson
  • Comedy club
  • Avis